9dragons notefile read espace
9dragons notefile read espace

9dragons notefile read espace

9dragons notefile read espace 9dragons notefile read espace

Very useful when you want to just copy some text from somewhere and you want to paste it into a WYSIWYG editor without all the formatting. Basically anything piped to pbcopy gets into your clipboard and pbpaste puts what you have on your clipboard to standard output (stdout). So OSX has these two functions that are very useful: pbcopy and pbpaste. Only one way to find out: cat companies.csv | pbcopy | pbpaste > temp.csv I opened up a new file, typed the exact single line again, and ran the migration. I saved that file again and ran the migration: CSV::MalformedCSVError: Illegal quoting in line 1. This led me to just wipe out the whole file, and actually type out the first row again. But upon further investigation, there was nothing out of the ordinary. My first thought was some left/right quotation marks were somehow mixed into the file instead of just the ‘normal’ double quotes: ". I opened the CSV file and nothing looked suspicious. This in turn made anyone using the seed receive the following error: CSV::MalformedCSVError: Illegal quoting in line 1.


While we don’t know the exact reason yet, my theory is that somehow, Excel for Mac (we are all using Macs) added some additional metadata to it even after saving the file as a CSV. The CSV was checked in to Git and had been used for awhile until we had to update some parts of it by adding a new column and fixing some values. This CSV was originally generated by me using a Ruby script which piped the output to a file and saved as a CSV. Today, we encountered an error while trying to create some database seeds from a CSV.

9dragons notefile read espace